Supplier Verification
Piece of mind that you chose a reputable and excellent supplier by having them personally screened, verified and approved by Fab Cla
Php 250.00 per supplier
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Key Benefits:
Protect yourself from irresponsible, underperforming or fake suppliers and scams by proper verification.
Have your suppliers triple checked to ensure credibility. Recommendations by family and friends or by word of mouth is not enough to identify a supplier as an exceptional one. You might have different experience with them, and there may be others who experienced differently from what you’ve heard and it’s important to find those out.
Full knowledge that you will give your trust, time and hard-earned money to the deserving suppliers.
Since the suppliers are checked for their performance, it is expected that you should have hassle and stress-free communication and coordination with them in planning your events. Worries, anxieties and doubts that add fuel to the fire are nowhere to begin with!
Perfect for:
Hands-On Couples & Celebrants that are...
having doubts or insecurities / suspicions with their chosen supplier and unable to determine the reasons or verify review authenticities
that are not having full coordination event planners to assist them in supplier checking
wanting to make sure they got an excellent full coordination event planner or all-in event package supplier to secure a good start with their planning
time constraint, busy, no time for research or lacking in research skills
Not for:
those that have already hired a full coordination event planner. Your event planner is supposed to be your confidant. From the start, they should already be able to recommend you excellent suppliers. If you insist in a particular supplier, it is also their duty to check their background and inform you if they have previous unsatisfactory experiences with your chosen supplier.
The Process
Fill the form
Kindly supply all necessary information, as I need these to check if you already covered everything or if there are places, we still need to look for.
Wait for
You will receive confirmation from me within 48 hours, as previously stated, I need to do initial checking to see if I can still be of any help to you with verifying your supplier.
Payment details will also be sent together with the confirmation email. If I found out I can’t assist you properly, or there are other information to clarify, I will also say in an email.
Wait for Results.
Each verification will ideally take as fast as 1 day, to a max of 3 days, as I might also do some test communication with your supplier and duration will depend on their response time and feedback.
What's Included
A detailed verification report of the supplier in question
A verification report with references to sites I’ve searched, data supporting the supplier is reputable or has bad reviews, my initial experience with the said supplier if applicable, and reasons explaining my verification review.
If applicable, additional personal suggestions, advice or tips in relation to the supplier being verified
If I know better suppliers of equal budget and caliber, I can also put suggestions and recommendations in the report if the supplier is not good enough in my personal opinion
What's Not Included
Guarantee that you will not encounter any problems with your supplier
It might just be that data or bad reviews are not posted on the internet which may appear that the supplier is without suspicion. It is also entirely possible that you may be their first mistake or troubled transaction after their clean streak. Anything is possible!
Date and budget checking
The supplier you wanted to verify is assumed to be already pre-inquired and pre-checked by you with regards to date availability and if their services are within your budget.
Requests for re-verification or refunds due to change in chosen supplier
Once payment is confirmed, I start working and investing time to conduct research on your chosen supplier, so cancellation or supplier change is not possible. It would have to be another new verification transaction.