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Why Wedding Masks Are Awesome

Masks are the new normal now, especially with the ongoing pandemic. Safety is everybody's priority, so it's not only being used when we get out of our homes to do our errands, but also for ongoing gatherings such as weddings. It's definitely an unexpected addition to the couple's wedding ensemble. Some may still not like the idea of wearing them, but some are embracing this new norm and they nailed it wonderfully.

Here are 3 quick reasons why wedding masks are worth adapting:

1. Safety

Even with the limited restrictions to the number of attendees, masks and social distancing are still enforced for maximum safety precautions. Of course, nobody's saying no to safety. Nobody would want to contract a disease during such a special event, especially the couples.

2. Memory

There's a unique element to wearing masks on your wedding day, and that is the strong reminder that your love won against the pandemic. You got married to your loved one during this difficult time. Your photos would be special as that's one day you'll share and cherish with each other and your families and friends that others won't have.

3. Fashion

For the brides, believe it or not, your makeup is NOT wasted with wearing a mask. You just need to adjust a few elements to incorporate your mask well with your face and outfit. There are two ways to go about pulling a great wedding mask look:

a. Luscious eyes with a simple mask

Balance is always important. If you have a heavily embellished gown, it is strongly suggested to wear a plain veil. If your eyes have a dramatic look, then it is also highly encouraged to wear a plain mask. Your face would look too busy with eye-popping makeup and intricately decorated mask together.

b. Simple eyes with fashionable mask

This is the second way to go. If you like to flaunt your mask, then settle for a simpler, more natural eyes to make a good background for your statement mask.

On the other hand, for the grooms, nothing screams more masculine, sharper and cleaner look than a good plain mask, but preferably matching the color of your suits.

So, you're ready to rock your wedding masks?

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