DIY Projects Assistance
Choose from FaB Cla’s limited invitation design layout collections and have them personally edited just for you. On the other hand, for problematic DIY projects, Fab Cla’s ingenious ideas, creativity and resourcefulness might just save the day!
Prices vary
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Invitation Layouts:
Key Benefits:
More than the average online invitations templates you see over the internet
Invitations personally & professionally designed are still unique and distinct in appearance compared to those ready-made free templates. In additional, standard templates limit customization and information you can display. If you want to oomph up and upgrade the overall look and feel of your DIY invitations, choose from the applicable themes from my collection, then print all you want and DIY them as you like it.
Your DIY project disasters might still be saved
If you’re having the “expectations vs. reality” tragedy, Instead of giving up, let’s check and see if we can still make adjustments to your projects to not put your money, time and efforts to waste. It might even turn out better than expected!
You might still make it in time for the big day!
If you underestimated the time needed to complete certain DIY project/s, maybe just an additional helping hand would solve your deadline problems. I happen to be crafty, efficient and good at time management, which would greatly help in easing panics & cramming for those projects to be completed before the event.
Perfect for:
Hands-On Couples & Celebrants...
looking to DIY their invitations and just needing a good layout design from my collection
encountering problems in their DIY projects (invitations, souvenirs, etc.)
needing another helping hand to finish DIY projects due to time constraint
Not for:
those looking for suppliers to produce their invitations, souvenirs or other items and paraphernalia for their event. You might be lost because this is for those who want to DIY their invitations and other elements for their dream event but encountering certain problems doing so. If you're looking for suppliers, you might be interested in my Supplier Curation service.
The Process
Fill the form
Kindly supply all necessary information, so I’ll be able to understand the exact help you needed with your DIY project. If it’s a purchase of my invitation layout, make sure you also supplied all details and uploaded the information excel template.
Wait for
You will receive confirmation from me within 48 hours, as I need to check if I can properly help you with your DIY projects, or accommodate your requests if you are buying my invitation layouts.
Payment details will also be sent together with the confirmation email. If I found out I can’t assist you properly, or there are other information to clarify, I will also say in an email.
Wait for Results.
We will be in touch discuss on how I can help you with your projects. It depends on the issue you encountered with your projects. For invitation layout purchases, expect them to be sent to you within 1-2 days.
What's Included
For invitation layout purchases, you will receive HD graphic layouts (size 7.5in x 5.5in, 300 dpi) of your selected pages edited with all the necessary information for your event.
For assistance on other DIY projects, the deliverables would depend on the kind of help you needed.
Examples are if you needed help in sourcing materials, you will receive the materials when I sourced & shipped them to you. If it’s finishing them due to time constraint, we would meet and do the project together, if it’s an “expectation vs. reality” disaster, I could give you alternatives, etc. It will be based on whatever we have discussed.
What's Not Included
Requests for refunds due to changes or cancellations
Once you already settled the payment, I have already started working on your request, be it the invitation layout, or thinking of ways to solve the problems of your DIY project/s. It means I have already invested time for you, so I am hoping for your understanding. It is also the reason why I do initial checking first and give you ample time to decide before you settle the payment.