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Budget Allocation Plan

Secure your first and foremost step to an enjoyable event planning ahead with a solid budget allocation plan created personally for you by Fab Cla

Php 500.00 per budget plan

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yacht shoot
yacht shoot

Key Benefits:

Sense of financial security

Knowing you have all suppliers within your budget and knowing full well that the allocation is accurate enough to pull of the event of your dreams. No worries of encountering unwanted debts, difficult loans, or financial pressure with a good plan to follow!

A solid guideline to follow in your expenditures

We tend to get carried away with beautifying and improving our dream events that we often tend to go beyond the original overall budget without a solid allocation plan. With a concrete allocation, we encourage ourselves to still seek for the best, but it will be within the guidelines we created for ourselves.

Perfect for:

Hands-On Couples & Celebrants that...

have no idea what the standard price points are with event suppliers

are not sure if they allocated the ideal amount on each supplier to achieve their dream event and make the most of their budget

have no idea where to start or on which set of suppliers they should prioritize their budget for

Not  for:

those that have already hired a full coordination event planner. It is part of their services to manage your budget with you. They should be able to come up with a good budget plan that fits your preferences.

The Process

Fill the form


Kindly supply all necessary information, as I need these to draft a good budget plan according to the specifications you preferred.

Wait for


You will receive  confirmation from me within 48 hours, as I need to do initial assessment of your provided information to make sure I can create a solid budget plan for you.



Payment details will also be sent together with the confirmation email. If I found out I can’t assist you properly, or there are other information to clarify, I will also say in an email.

Wait for Results.

Budget allocation plan normally takes only a day, but may be longer if your preferences and location to source suppliers needed a bit of research to ensure the allocation of amounts are realistic and applicable for your dream event.

What's Included

A concrete budget allocation plan tailored personally for you based on your specifications.

All categories properly tabulated with respective comments and explanation in reference to the data you provided.

If applicable, additional personal suggestions, advice or tips in relation to the supplier being verified

If I know better suppliers of equal budget and caliber, I can also put suggestions and recommendations in the report if the supplier is not good enough in my personal opinion

What's Not Included

Requests for re-verification or refunds due to changes in information or specifications

Once payment is confirmed, I start working and investing time to create your budget plan. Changes in your plans or your event might need proper reallocation of budget. This would mean it’s another request for s new budget plan. It is also the reason why I do initial checking first and give you ample time to decide before you settle the payment.

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